Sunday, August 1, 2010

Haystack, Penland & Arrowmont

Haystack, View From My Bench

A Meal & A Jig

Saying Good-By

Marcia Macdonald

Today I am driving from Dover NH to Haystack Mountain School of Crafts on Deer Isle Me. It is a bitter sweet journey, this trip was originally planned so that I could be in top form for assisting Marcia in a few weeks at Arrowmont. As I drive up the beautiful Maine coast my heart is heavy but full of wonderful memories of Marcia. Although Marcia and I were never here at Haystack together it was Marcia who told me about it and told me that I must come here. 24 hours after Marcia telling me about Haystack I had turned in my application. She was right it is one of those very special places. I know during this visit Haystack that her spirit will be here, it was one of her favorite places.

The photographs above are of my last encounter with Marcia, I was her assistant at Arrowmont. It was just a few months later that she was diagnosed with ovarian cancer. The 2st photo is of our last dinner together at Arrowmont. It was a night to remember ,full of Irish jigs sung to us by the wood artist in residence. The last photo is the place where I hugged Marcia good-by. Sadly she is in neither of the photos but her spirit is there. I love you Marcia, thanks for introducing me to Haystack, Penland and Arrowmont. May your spirit rest in these places you loved so much.